vegetables, healthy & smoothies nutritious, healthy and full of energy
pinapple pimpinelle Smoothie

pinapple pimpinelle Smoothie

A very simple combination for the big performance.
This smoothie is a true mood lightener and beauty for the skin.
The natural vanillin that is found in the pineapple acts as a stimulant.

At the moment, I could almost exclusively eat smoothies. Do you know that too?
During my walk in the morning through the garden, the pimpinelle (also called meadow button) fell into my eyes and immediately a new recipe went through my head. So Pimpinelle harvested and off to the kitchen.
The result is the next healthy, fruity refreshment for the hot summer days. Pimpinelle is even detoxifying, helps with inflammation and is often used in skin diseases. At the same time, this smoothie makes you feel beautiful and a kind of detox program. The detoxification is also supported by the pineapple - which ideally helps our metabolism in the deacidification. Due to its minerals, it has a strongly alkaline effect and therefore helps to regulate the acid-base balance in the body.

20 gr
100 ml
Vanille Soja Drink alternativ Wasser
 1 Stück
reife Ananas (bei mir 460 gr)
 1 EL
 Lucina´s Tipps:

Pimpinelle lässt sich auch auf Wiesen finden, in Gärtnereien kaufen und manchmal auch in Supermärkten oder auch auf Bauernmärkten ergattern!

gutes gelingen lucina



I did it that way:

Nummer 1I only used the leaves and flowers of the pimpinelle - so I replaced them with the stems.Nummer 2Meadow button Wash leaves and flowers and add in Nutribulett (or in another smoothie blender).Nummer 3Peel pineapple, cut into small pieces and place in Nutribullet.Nummer 4Add vanilla soy drink, add a spoonful of Wipferl lemon balm to honey and mix well.
Ready is our refreshing drink.
Nummer 5I decorated my Shmootie with flowers from the garden, but also the Pimpinelleblume was there.

Enjoy the meal!
Please tell me how you liked it.

2 in 1 Glas-Standmixer Make It Take It Smoothieglas Meine gruenen Smoothies Make It Take It Smoothieglas Nutribullet

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