Tirolean Jagertee
With the cold, each of us has the natural need for delicious hot drinks to warm our bodies and soul.
The star on huts - Tirolean Jagertee!
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The days are shorter, the temperatures fall below 0 degrees Celsius and the first snow is already. The winter clothes have long been hanging in our closets and a step outside the front door without a warm cap is no longer. Oh yes, the white, romantic and long-awaited winter, which can also be very cold, is here.
When it is uncomfortably cold and chilly outside, there is nothing better than to make yourself comfortable indoors with a hot winter drink and to pamper yourself.
A few days ago, when I prepared this breakfast surprise for my husband, my brother Simon wrote me on Facebook. He waited for his plane because he was in Finland for a long time to work. As we talked so, we remembered the trip together on the Nordkette. High above the rooftops of Innsbruck, we drank a delicious Jagatee on the Seegrube.
This memory gave me the idea to prepare the ailing Hern C. himself such a Jagatee himself.
So I served the Jagertee Mr. C. to the bed.
I did it that way:
Brew the tea according to instructions, add sugar or honey, red wine, orange slices and spices.
After three to five minutes remove the spices.
Add the rum, berries and cherry liqueur and pour hot in desired cups or glasses and enjoy.
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