This is pure luxury
Who does not want to have a cake piece of the luxury pie?
A good life - how and wherever - is pure luxury. What good life is, however, there are different definitions. But how does country life fit into luxury?
Usually, we combine luxury with abundance, expensive materials and luxury brands. Gold and diamonds, champagne, caviar and Rolex or Armani connect most people with the theme of luxury. Many people who buy such goods often want to say: Look, I can afford it, I am something special - most of them want to stand out from the crowd.
But for me, luxury is no longer a matter of convenience and exceptional comfort. True luxury is a conscious pleasure and, above all, self-realization. This definition is certainly not accepted by many people, but for me it is 100% true. This way of living and ,above all, the feelings that this rural life brings with it, have become indispensable for me. Even if I personally have to live here on over 1200 m without car and without business needs to get along, I would never change again with the city life. This way of life is exactly what I call a true luxury. This wonderful rest here on the mountain is beautiful - the noise here does not come from cars or people - here on the mountain it is pleasant noise from bird chirps and other animal sounds. Up here you are often alone, butyou ´ll never feel lonely. However, one must also be open to this kind of silence, open to embracing nature. Through the silence here in the mountains I have found quite to myself. I had time to discover myself and I met a completely different side of me. It is a splendid place to undergo the interior of a certain cleansing. It is for me in the resting-pole with certain hardships, which, however, I have to accept, forr example very slow internet. It is simply a matter of life and attitude to life in general. I used to be accustomed to a stressful everyday life in the middle of Innsbruck and other large cities, which I was allowed to get acquainted with through my many travels. Today I live in the countryside and enjoy the peace here. It is a life with the seasons, a life with animals, with masses of snow in the winter, with cuckoo calls in the spring, but also times lounging in the own garden in the summer and with proper shopping in the autumn. I have just turned from a city plant to a real country egg- and I love it.
Luxury can have many dimensions. Isn´t it pure luxury to experience the silence of a country? Although you can also experience the noise of the country, this is the most beautiful noise: the humming of bees and bumblebees, the howling of sheeps, the conflict between the chickens, the good-morning chirping of the different birds and now in summer the loud but soothing cry of the crickets. Even the much lighter luminosity of the stars in a darkness, which would not exist in a light-polluted city, is also luxury - you just have to recognize it.
Wealth is also to cultivate relationships with neighbors and to be part of this peasant community, instead of only keeping people warm, who are made of pure utility in their circle of acquaintances. For me, I define luxury as a new movement of values, quality of life and sustainability.
Here I would like to give you a brief insight into one day of my life, spiced full of beautiful moments - a perfect luxury day:
At 4:30 AM my alarm clock rang. The Haimingerberg was still in black darkness and most people slept deeply. I woke up to Mr. Chr. And we left our bed very softly and made a very special experience: to enjoy our breakfast at sunrise. We did not have to go long, because we could look at this wonderful moment on Maria's field, which is only a few meters from our house.
We had to spend a little moment in the dark, because she was not yet to be seen. The sun was slow, but it was better to arrive early than too late. This fascinating moment is unfortunately very fast. For me, a sunrise is a moment in a world, beyond space and time. Now was this moment: the first light of the day, not to put into words how beautiful. Simply breathtaking how colors change and the animal world awakens. Just beautiful. Early getting up, it was definitely worth. It is a moment full of magic and more magic: the planet sun announced for breakfast and rose piece by piece behind the mountain scenery of the Tyrolean Alps in its full splendor. An applause and standing ovations for this wonderful natural drama. The warmth of the sunshine affected our night-cold skin and exhaled a soothing warmth on the face. The dark night had again given way to the power of the sun. Mr. Ch. and I have been here so often to experience the sunrise, but every time again this magical moment fascinates us. This special light in the morning is a very special peak under the mountain world of emotions.
I had taken care of a freshly brewed coffee. After getting up early (and very late going to sleep) and the emotionally touching experience of the sunrise, the fragrant coffee and the fresh breakfast had now brought us back into the present. We warmed ourselves in the warm rays and took the energy for the rest of the day. On the way back we had Maria's cock with a strong Kikerigi welcomed and we had discovered their cat in their perfect hiding place.
We took a quick look at the chapel in front of ours to thank god for all this gifts.
The next high point of the day was waiting for me at home. Mr. Ch. Surprised me with a present, which had been waiting for me at the table. O my God, I was overwhelmed. The big package, so beautifully packaged and these roses - beautiful. Very excited and careful I have unpacked it. Oh, my God, it was the country crockery, which I had liked so much. I was so happy and so touched. It was such a great surprise and I love surprises.But now it was time to get dressed quickly: we set out on a shopping trip. You have to know, I have not been shopping for 10 months and I have not been at the hairdresser for a long time. This is waiting for me on Friday, oh how I look forward to it. At our shopping tour I looked for my outfit for the Afba event on Saturday in Vienna. I am so happy that I can be there on Saturday. As an outfit I chose something quite natural, in my mountain girl style. Just this look, in which I now feel most comfortable. Although I have a wardrobe full of beautiful and rare Dirndln, but to this event I wanted something different. Not the clothes I usually wear at our country. We found something relatively quick, because I had discovered a nice shirt with a very nice fox motif and immediately fell in love with it.
This was exactly the right thing, which also reflects my daily mountain life and foxes we have to heaps with us at the mountain. A matching necklace, which underlined the outfit and leg jeans were also found soon. The brown Rau leather shoes, special value I put on the Stöckel, gave my outfit still that certain something. Since the blouse is somewhat transparent, I could not forget, of course, as a woman, the perfect bra to buy: possibly skin color. As an encore, I had bought a very nice, pink blouse with cupcakes and a jacket, all so small things, which give me a lot of pleasure. When we had everything and went home after the food shopping trip, my heart was full of joy.
As soon as the mountain arrived, the next unexpected surprise awaited me. Oh my God, what a great pleasure I have once again. Carefully packed, a sackerl hung with a King Ludwig's bread from Germany at the door at the entrance.Spent from our neighbor Willi - that was the pure luxury that I could experience and enjoy that day.
Afterwards, we soon dreamed of our new achievements and I sat down to the evening coffee, served in my new country house style dishes.Of course, we drank the coffee in the garden - just pure luxury, which we have at the door, beaten with a grandiose view. A jug of fresh water, spiced by energizing stones and cooled by my flowering ice cubes. I will write you this recipe, the pudding ice cubes, after the weekend.
I had not thought of it, but these wonderful blossom ice cubes gave the mountain water a wonderful aroma. One tasted the lavender, the dill blossoms and the smell of the pelargoniums wonderfully. It was a pure highlight sitting outside in the garden and enjoying a perfect day. When it was cooler, we went on the daily tour of our beautiful, colorful farm garden.
When we arrived at the apartment, we were able to experience a beautiful sunset in time, which rounded off this luxurious day with a gigantic game of colours.This was the maxim of luxury for me, that one person can get in one day.
Who already has the opportunity to experience so much beauty and joy all at once in a single day.
For no Armani costume of the world and also for no Jimmy Cho shoes of the world I would want to exchange these experiences and impressions.
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